When it comes to sensitive data, it doesn’t get much more personal than your genes. Genetic testing empowers individuals by giving them access to more information about themselves. They screen for certain health risks, and provide information on lifestyle factors such as nutritional needs, exercise efficiency, skincare, or sleep habits. DNA tests also provide you with the foundation of creating personalised health plans to overcome disease and thrive.

There is a genuine concern about the risk of revealing genomic data to parties who should never have gotten their hands on it. We want our genetic information to be personal and not shared with third parties either intentionally or accidentally. At Nutra Nourish, safekeeping your personal information is a priority of ours and we go about it in a painstaking manner.
The samples are processed in the laboratory separately from the patient details (i.e. in the laboratory the samples are only barcoded). Both the original sample material (e.g. swab or blood spot card) and the extracted DNA are destroyed 3 months after processing. We only analyse genetic data that belongs to the tests included in the test portfolio. No other research or analyses are performed with the client’s samples without separate permission from the client. We do not give or sell the results to any third parties. The raw data is stored in the laboratory database and reports are given only to the clients.
Accuracy of these lab tests
Our DNA tests are highly accurate and meet a high standard of reproducibility. By this we mean that two separate results of the same person’s sample are predominantly the same. Our method is highly repeatable and the technical error rate is as low as under 0.01%. To further increase the accuracy, all tests include assays that are always run in duplicate for each sample. In addition, 20% of the samples are routinely repeated in separate runs. All runs include negative and positive controls. Our genetic tests are already ISO15189 compliant.